April – June Video

July 14th, 2009

So it’s been over two months since I posted anything.  In that time, Josh has been cutting teeth (he now has four and is trying for two more), getting sick for the first time, developing seasonal allergies and sneezing all the time, getting his first good case of diaper rash, etc.

So, instead of posting tons of pictures of the last couple of months, I’ve put together a video of the fun stuff Josh has been up to.  I hope you enjoy it.

(If you can’t see the video click here.)

By the way, all of this video was shot on our Flip Video Camera. A pocket size device that works great. We even have an underwater case for it. At about $100 bucks, I totally recommend it.


Sneaky Boy

May 5th, 2009

I believe it was last Friday that I got a phone call from Crisi telling me about Josh’s latest accomplishment.   She had left him for a few minutes while he played on the ground in his playroom.  Upon returning she found him lying on the ground, gnawing on a biter biscuit with a supremely proud look on his face.  Apparently, he had crawled over to the diaper bag, rummaged around until he found the biscuit and took it back to the center of the room.  He then unwrapped it from the plastic wrapper (which was on the ground beside him) and had himself a little snack!  Mind you, he’s not even eight months yet….  My Little Genius!

Arcade Games!

March 26th, 2009

What do you do with a 10+ year old computer? Give it to the boy! He immediately started mashing keys and opening windows. He even managed to get on the internet by himself. Finally, I loaded up some of the old school arcade games and he busted out laughing at PacMan. Props to Crisi for coming up with such a genius idea.

5 months old – Lots of changes

February 18th, 2009

Today is Tuesday, February 17 and Josh is 5 months old now.  So many things are changing these days.  Josh did very well on his first two weeks of rice cereal and oatmeal.  Tonight we moved on to his first “real” food.  Crisi decided to start with peas and she made them rather than using baby food first time around.  This way, Josh had food with decent flavor.  She cooked the peas with some butter and just a touch of salt.  We thought they tasted pretty good and Josh agreed.  We couldn’t have imagined he would take to his first green vegetable so well.  After dinner and his bath he went to bed in his crib for the first time also.  We’re hoping to see him crawling soon.

He was baptized over the weekend and we’re planning to get those pictures up here sometime soon.  We hope you all had a great Valentine’s day.

Take care!