12 Hours of Josh

June 29th, 2010

Have you ever noticed that parents like to tell the stories of what monsters their kids can be and tell fewer stories about the rest of the time when their kids are actually perfectly fine and enjoyable?

Monster Story: Josh was a pill this morning as I dropped him off at school. He was holding a rock (that he stole from our neighbors flower bed) on the drive to school and when I told him to leave said rock in the car he wanted nothing to do with that plan. So I had to take it from him and that set him off. Lying in the parking lot crying. Awesome.

Angel Story: Last night as Crisi was leaving to go to a neighbors house for a gourmet food tasting party, I was holding Josh and she came up to say good bye. He promptly said, “Bye bye. Luhloo (Love You) Mommy. Night Night.” and reached out to gently touch her face. It choked her up a little bit and as he saw that he told her Luhloo again and leaned over to give her a kiss.

And a story right in the middle: After I put Josh to bed last night he was making quite a ruckus in his bedroom so I turned on the video monitor to see what he was doing. Sure enough, he was holding on to the side of crib jumping wildly up and down with about a foot of air on each jump. As I burst into the room to tell him to stop that and go to bed, he jumped his last jump and let go of the rail, twisted his body, and landed in the bed with his head on the pillow and said “Daddy?” in that voice that indicates “What? What are you talking about? I’ve just been lying here all along.”

One Response to “12 Hours of Josh”

  1. Mom on June 30, 2010 1:32 am

    Great stories Trav! : )

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