Lots of play time

February 3rd, 2009

I know I might be a little bit partial, but I sure do think he’s cute.  Here are pictures from the last couple of weeks of play time.  Josh spends a lot of time with his “Pop’em” toy.  It makes tummy time lots of fun!

February 2009 – Fun and friends

February 2nd, 2009

Lots of visitors these past few weeks and lots of fun was had.  Here are some pics.

20 weeks – lots of new developments

February 2nd, 2009

Wow, what a crazy few weeks it’s been.  Josh has started to really come alive and he’s learning new tricks every day!  This really is an exciting time.

He’s now rolling back and forth from tummy to back and back to tummy.  He is so close to sitting up completely unsupported and is trying so hard to crawl.  He gets so frustrated when he can’t get to what he wants, but we’re pretty sure that the next step is just around the corner.

After a few unsuccessful tries in the past couple of weeks, tonight Josh finally took his rice cereal from a spoon!  It took a little trickery on my part, but I guess that’s what being a mom is all about sometimes.  He was a little leary of the spoon at first and wasn’t sure he wanted what was on it, but I dipped it into some “gripe water” and put it into his mouth and he loved it.  Gripe water is really just glorified sugar water, so he’s always willing to take some of it.  After a couple of dips of the gripe water, I started filling the spoon with cereal and we were off to a great start.  After a few minutes of trying to spittle  it out of his mouth, he finally started swallowing and even opening up wide for the next bite.  It was so much fun.  Travis and I are really enjoying these milestones.  We’re hopeful that once he gets used to the rice cereal, his sleeping and gas will improve.  Say prayers for us!!!

Here are some pictures of our first feeding.  Enjoy.

Josh and his many admirers – 5.5 Weeks

October 24th, 2008

Josh is 5 1/2 weeks old now and is getting stronger and cuter everyday. We’ve had a blast snapping photos of his little face and fun first activities. That is, between some longs days and nights of trying to comfort Josh’s gas and colic. Everyone keeps telling us it’s just a phase, so we’re just working through it and waiting for it to pass…literally, I guess. We’re not letting it stop us from taking him out and enjoying the approaching fall weather.

Here are a few photos taken with Josh’s friends and family.  Pictures include Trav’s Dad and Susy’s visit to Florida to meet the little fella, kisses from his cousin, Lucas and of course, his big sissie, Grace Dog.