January 2009

January 11th, 2009

Happy New Years.  It’s been a busy two months since we last posted and for that I apologize.  We had the holidays, my birthday, a visit from my Dad and Susy, a lot of studying for my Certified Genereal Appraiser exam (I passed!) and of course, the everyday challenge of being new parents.   Through all that, we took a ton of pictures and we’ve tried to pick a handful of them to post.

Here’s a gallery of Christmas pictures from Josh’s first Christmas:

Here’s a bunch of Josh shots with different hats on.  He didn’t like hats to begin with, but they don’t seem to bother him much anymore.

Nine Weeks, One Day!

November 19th, 2008

Hi Everyone! Today is Wednesday, November 19 and Josh is nine weeks and one day old. He had his two month checkup yesterday and the doctor thought he looked great. He was tall for his age at 24.25 inches and a little light at 11 lbs 5 oz. The doctor said he was tall and thin – perfect. We like Dr. Silva.

Josh also got three shots and has his circumcision manually adjusted. He weathered it all with only a few minutes of crying before he was back to normal.

What is normal though? He has the dreaded colic and cries for long stretches when he can’t pass his gas. We do everything we can think of and everything anyone suggests and usually it doesn’t help too much. Crisi has been a super mom in dealing with it while I’m at work. Josh saves a bit of it for me when I get home, but Crisi gets the majority of the sad baby times.

When he isn’t hurting, he is absolutely wonderful. We can see how smart he is and he continually does things well before he’s supposed to. We’re proud.

Here are a bunch of pictures from the last month. I particularly like our Halloween costumes!

We hope you are doing well,
Trav, Cris and Josh.

Josh and his many admirers – 5.5 Weeks

October 24th, 2008

Josh is 5 1/2 weeks old now and is getting stronger and cuter everyday. We’ve had a blast snapping photos of his little face and fun first activities. That is, between some longs days and nights of trying to comfort Josh’s gas and colic. Everyone keeps telling us it’s just a phase, so we’re just working through it and waiting for it to pass…literally, I guess. We’re not letting it stop us from taking him out and enjoying the approaching fall weather.

Here are a few photos taken with Josh’s friends and family.  Pictures include Trav’s Dad and Susy’s visit to Florida to meet the little fella, kisses from his cousin, Lucas and of course, his big sissie, Grace Dog.

Josh’s Growth

October 24th, 2008

Here’s the first two pictures that we’ve taken in our effort to show Josh’s weekly growth.  We’ll post updates to this one every few weeks.