
August 28th, 2009

So this morning Josh starts crying at 4:45 am. I hear him on the monitor and ignore him hoping he goes back to sleep. (I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished the monitor had a snooze button…) He falls back to sleep and wakes up ten minutes later and starts crying again. I’m pretty sure he has a wet diaper and is probably hungry. So I make him a bottle and when I make it to his room, he’s back asleep. It takes about ten minutes before he wakes up again and I change him and give him the bottle. I rock him a bit and put him back to bed. As I leave the room he starts crying – typical. So I wash the bottle out and go back in.

He’s lying on his belly crying so I pat him on the back and tell him “No crying. You have a new diaper, new medicine for your teething, and a full belly. It’s time to go back to sleep.” He stops crying but as soon as I stop patting, he starts again. I tell him “No” and he quiets down. He starts again and I “Shhhhh” him and he stops again. After standing there in silence for about four minutes (remember, he’s on his belly and looking away so he can’t see me) clear as day, Josh asks, “Da?”. Translation: “Dad, are you still there?” I tell him “No.” (What’s he going to think about that answer? “If it’s not Da, who is it? The boogie man? That’s cool.  I’m down with the boogie.”)

He always knows when we leave the room and so he starts up again. I cracked the door and said “No.” After two more rounds, he stayed quiet. The whole process took about eight minutes. In my book, that’s way better than 30 minutes of letting him “Cry It Out.” I think we’ll try this again!

Daddy Dadda Dadadeedee Nancy!

July 30th, 2009

Two days ago, Josh started saying “Dada dad daaaddeee daddy dad dad daddaada”. I’m not sure he associates it with me yet, but I’m stoked nonetheless. Apparently he says “Nancy” also… -Trav

Josh is walking!!

July 28th, 2009

Hi everyone,

After several days of tries, tumbles, and tentative steps, I received a ecstatic phone call from Crisi this morning telling me that our baby boy had finally and truly walked. As soon as I got home, Crisi set him on the ground and he walked right over to me. Awesome.

Here’s a quick video:

April – June Video

July 14th, 2009

So it’s been over two months since I posted anything.  In that time, Josh has been cutting teeth (he now has four and is trying for two more), getting sick for the first time, developing seasonal allergies and sneezing all the time, getting his first good case of diaper rash, etc.

So, instead of posting tons of pictures of the last couple of months, I’ve put together a video of the fun stuff Josh has been up to.  I hope you enjoy it.

(If you can’t see the video click here.)

By the way, all of this video was shot on our Flip Video Camera. A pocket size device that works great. We even have an underwater case for it. At about $100 bucks, I totally recommend it.
